Minutes of the New Zealand Society of Authors
Top of the South Branch AGM
Saturday 22 May 2021, 4.30 pm NMIT, 71 Nile St, T Block, 3rd Floor
Apologies: Paul Maunder, Naomi Arnold, Gaelynne Pound, Sue Perkins, Liz Mahoney
Jeanette Goode, Wendy Scott, Jane Smith, Karen Stade, Bruce Gilkison, Sylvia Bauer, Annabel Schuler, Garrick Batten, Elizabeth Williams, Patricia Berwick, Christine Leunens, Maurice Gee
Members Present: Lucy Hodgson, Jean Gorman, Trish Palmer, Chrissie Ward, Robyn Prokop, Kerry Sunderland, Dana Wensley, Ann Neale, Brian Dylan-Phillips, Mary Prendergast, Judy Fisher, Lily Hirsch, Ray Caird, Quill Holland, Chris Tait, Angela Woolf
Guests: Kay McQuire, Rajorshi Chakraborti, David Wensley
4.50 pm: Welcome (Lucy Hodgson, Chair) Lucy opened the meeting with a karakia.
Chair’s Report appended.
Committee Resignations
Jean Gorman, Chrissie Ward, Dana Wensley, Paul Maunder and Naomi Arnold are leaving the committee. Two of them – Jean Gorman and Chrissie Ward – are of long-standing. Chrissie, Jean and Dana were presented with flowers and a Page and Blackmore book token.
Dana has been our PEN representative on the National Council. She commented that this committee has been very strong in support of PEN, and she thanked the committee for help with so many things.
Naomi has a new job with RNZ so was not able to attend the AGM nor is she able to continue on the committee. We have appreciated her input, especially during lockdown and our upskilling to Zoom.
Paul Maunder has handed on his role on the West Coast to Mary Prendergast, who made the journey over to Nelson for the AGM.
Book vouchers for Paul and Naomi will be posted.
Election of Officers
The following are standing for re-election:
Lucy Hodgson as Chair: nominated Trish Palmer, seconded Jean Gorman
Trish Palmer as Treasurer: nominated Lucy Hodgson, seconded Jean Gorman
Kerry Sunderland: nominated Lucy Hodgson, seconded Robyn Prokop
Robyn Prokop: nominated Lucy Hodgson, seconded Trish Palmer
Standing as new committee members:
Mary Prendergast, nominated Lucy Hodgson, seconded Ann Neale
Brian Dillon-Phillips, nominated Robyn Prokop, seconded Ann Neale
Lucy encouraged anyone else in the audience to join the committee and outlined the attendance requirements for the committee so members would know what they would be letting themselves in for should they volunteer. Robyn will take over secretarial duties until someone can be appointed.
Minutes of the Last AGM
These are appended and approved as a true record. Moved Ann Neale, seconded Robyn Prokop.
2021 Page & Blackmore Short Story Competition Shortlist
Rajorshi Chakraborti announced the ten shortlisted stories for the 2021 competition.
In alphabetical order, they are: ‘Cause and Consequence’, ‘Crop Circles’, ‘God of the Sea’, ‘How Can I Help You?’, ‘Living with Mister P’, ‘Slow Down’, ‘Sparros’, ‘The Golem Father’, ‘The Storm’, ‘Too Old for the Park’. He looks forward to reading and judging the stories.
Financial Report (Trish Palmer, Treasurer) NZSA accountant Nick Pinchin cannot provide us with a timely audited report on the accounts.
Trish moved the accounts be accepted as they stand, until they are audited. At that time they will be presented again. That the accounts be accepted was moved by Robyn Prokop and seconded by Lucy Hodgson.
2021 Page & Blackmore Short Story Competition Report (Lucy Hodgson)
Next year we will add a Te Reo version of the short story competition.
Meeting finished 5.20 pm.
Minutes of the New Zealand Society of Authors
Top of the South Branch AGM
Saturday 22 May 2021, 4.30 pm NMIT, 71 Nile St, T Block, 3rd Floor
Apologies: Paul Maunder, Naomi Arnold, Gaelynne Pound, Sue Perkins, Liz Mahoney
Jeanette Goode, Wendy Scott, Jane Smith, Karen Stade, Bruce Gilkison, Sylvia Bauer, Annabel Schuler, Garrick Batten, Elizabeth Williams, Patricia Berwick, Christine Leunens, Maurice Gee
Members Present: Lucy Hodgson, Jean Gorman, Trish Palmer, Chrissie Ward, Robyn Prokop, Kerry Sunderland, Dana Wensley, Ann Neale, Brian Dylan-Phillips, Mary Prendergast, Judy Fisher, Lily Hirsch, Ray Caird, Quill Holland, Chris Tait, Angela Woolf
Guests: Kay McQuire, Rajorshi Chakraborti, David Wensley
4.50 pm: Welcome (Lucy Hodgson, Chair) Lucy opened the meeting with a karakia.
Chair’s Report appended.
Committee Resignations
Jean Gorman, Chrissie Ward, Dana Wensley, Paul Maunder and Naomi Arnold are leaving the committee. Two of them – Jean Gorman and Chrissie Ward – are of long-standing. Chrissie, Jean and Dana were presented with flowers and a Page and Blackmore book token.
Dana has been our PEN representative on the National Council. She commented that this committee has been very strong in support of PEN, and she thanked the committee for help with so many things.
Naomi has a new job with RNZ so was not able to attend the AGM nor is she able to continue on the committee. We have appreciated her input, especially during lockdown and our upskilling to Zoom.
Paul Maunder has handed on his role on the West Coast to Mary Prendergast, who made the journey over to Nelson for the AGM.
Book vouchers for Paul and Naomi will be posted.
Election of Officers
The following are standing for re-election:
Lucy Hodgson as Chair: nominated Trish Palmer, seconded Jean Gorman
Trish Palmer as Treasurer: nominated Lucy Hodgson, seconded Jean Gorman
Kerry Sunderland: nominated Lucy Hodgson, seconded Robyn Prokop
Robyn Prokop: nominated Lucy Hodgson, seconded Trish Palmer
Standing as new committee members:
Mary Prendergast, nominated Lucy Hodgson, seconded Ann Neale
Brian Dillon-Phillips, nominated Robyn Prokop, seconded Ann Neale
Lucy encouraged anyone else in the audience to join the committee and outlined the attendance requirements for the committee so members would know what they would be letting themselves in for should they volunteer. Robyn will take over secretarial duties until someone can be appointed.
Minutes of the Last AGM
These are appended and approved as a true record. Moved Ann Neale, seconded Robyn Prokop.
2021 Page & Blackmore Short Story Competition Shortlist
Rajorshi Chakraborti announced the ten shortlisted stories for the 2021 competition.
In alphabetical order, they are: ‘Cause and Consequence’, ‘Crop Circles’, ‘God of the Sea’, ‘How Can I Help You?’, ‘Living with Mister P’, ‘Slow Down’, ‘Sparros’, ‘The Golem Father’, ‘The Storm’, ‘Too Old for the Park’. He looks forward to reading and judging the stories.
Financial Report (Trish Palmer, Treasurer) NZSA accountant Nick Pinchin cannot provide us with a timely audited report on the accounts.
Trish moved the accounts be accepted as they stand, until they are audited. At that time they will be presented again. That the accounts be accepted was moved by Robyn Prokop and seconded by Lucy Hodgson.
2021 Page & Blackmore Short Story Competition Report (Lucy Hodgson)
Next year we will add a Te Reo version of the short story competition.
Meeting finished 5.20 pm.