Rebecca Hayter
Rebecca Hayter’s latest book, Wild Seas to Greenland – a sailing adventure with ocean racer Ross Field, is feisty, honest and funny, yet still manages to break new ground in sailing technology. Despite its wide span, it’s an easily-travelled read, sparkling with humour alongside a tough, charismatic skipper who ranks among New Zealand’s most successful ocean sailors.
Rebecca’s writing career includes nearly 30 years as a yachting journalist and editor. She has earned 15 writing and journalism awards, including Best Columnist/Blogger in Magazine Media 2019 (North & South magazine);Highly Commended, Best International Travel Feature 2018 (North & South magazine), and Supreme Overall Editor of the Year in 2006 (Boating New Zealand). She has five Journalist of the Year awards across three categories, and gained a Highly Commended in the Graeme Lay Short Story Competition. Rebecca’s previous books include What You Wish For - one man's guide to life, death and alternative therapies, co-written with the late Paul Blacklow; Oceans Alone – Chris Sayer's solo adventures on the high seas and Endless Summer – the Penny Whiting story. After 33 years in Auckland, Rebecca returned to her hometown of Golden Bay to run a 10-acre lifestyle block and is preparing to publish her first novel. |