Wendy Scott
During my 5 years in Adelaide, Australia, I completed several writing courses at the WEA. When my partner, son (5 months), dog and I moved back to NZ we lived in a house truck for 3 years while our off-the-grid house was planned and built. During this period I wrote on a solar powered laptop and completed many correspondence courses from the AWA. I write adult fantasy, children’s novels and I’m currently branching into romance. In 2012 my children’s MS Hieroglyph was selected for the NZSA MS Assessment Programme and was further selected for one of five mini-mentorships. It was the Gold Medal winner in the 9 - 12 years section of the Wishing Shelf Book Awards 2015, and took a Silver Medal in the 2016 Readers' Favorite Book Award, Children/Preteen category. When I’m not glued to my laptop writing or engrossed in a book, I love walking my dog on the wild West Coast beaches and trolling for sea glass, riding my bike or going for bush walks. I always wished I could fly so maybe that’s why I love roller coasters. I’m a connoisseur of coffee and chocolate and I counter my addictions with Zumba and Spin classes. I believe life is an adventure and we should all live a life less ordinary. Pen Names: WJ Scott ~ Children’s Books Wendy Scott ~ YA / Fantasy Wendy Jayne ~ Romance I am now offering authors Editorial Reviews that can be used on all promotional material such as Amazon book pages, Goodreads, book blurbs and blogs. See my advertisement here Listen here to my interview on Fresh FM in June 2018. |
HIEROGLYPH BEDTIME TALES BOOK ONE: Fairy Dust THE WITCH-HUNT SERIES BOOK ONE: Lodestone THE WINDFLOWERS TRILOGY BOOK ONE: Ferrasium BOOK TWO: The Golden Scarab THE 1ST CHRONICLE OF JAIRUS TANNER BOOK ONE: Tiger House All books available on Wendy Scott's Author Pages on Amazon or Smashwords or from CopyPress |